
class dasher.Api(title=None, layout='bootstrap', layout_kw=None)[source]

Dasher api. The api allows generation of widgets and dash dependencies (for instances of DasherCallback). It is used by Dasher to generate interactive apps.

  • title (str, optional) – Title of the app.
  • layout (str or DasherLayout subclass, optional) – Name of a built-in layout or custom layout (DasherLayout subclass)
  • layout_kw (dict, optional) – Dictionary of keyword arguments passed to the layout class.
static generate_callback_id(name)[source]

Get callback id from name. It is a lowercase version of name, where all non-alphanumeric characters are replaced by underscores.

Parameters:name (str) – The callback name to generate an id from.
Returns:str – Lowercase version of name, where all non-alphanumeric characters are replaced by underscores.
static generate_dependencies(widgets, output_id, output_dependency='children')[source]

Generate input and output dependencies for a list of widgets. It generates an dash.dependencies.Input for each widgets’ underlying dash component using the value property. An dash.dependencies.Output is generated for output_id using the children property.

  • widgets (list of BaseWidget) – List of dasher widgets to generate dependencies for.
  • output_id (str) – Id of the output.
  • output_dependency (str, optional) – Property for the output dependency.

  • output (dash.dependencies.Output) – Generated output dependency.
  • input_list (list of dash.dependencies.Input) – List of generated input dependencies.

generate_widget(name, x, label=None)[source]

Generate a dasher widget, which is a styled and labeled interactive component.

The type of the interactive component is determined based on the type of x using the selected widget specification of the layout.

  • name (str) – Name of the widget.
  • x (object of supported type) – Object used to determine which interactive component is returned.
  • label (str or None, optional) – Label of the component.

dasher.base.BaseWidget – Generated dasher widget.

See also

Generates widget and returns the layout of the widget.
Generates widget and returns the widgets’ component.
generate_widgets(kw, labels=None, group=None)[source]

Generate dasher widgets based on a dictionary.

  • kw (dict) – The keys of the dictionary define the names of the widgets and the type of the values is used to determine the type of the interactive widgets based on the selected component specification.
  • labels (list or dict, optional) – Labels for the widgets. May be either a list of labels for kw in the order of appearance or a dictionary mapping the keys of kw to the desired labels. If None, the keys of kw are used for the labels directly.
  • group (str, optional) – If not None, group will be used as a suffix for each component / widget name in order to group widgets.

list of dasher.base.BaseWidget – List of generated dasher widgets.

See also

Generates widgets and returns the layout of the widgets.
Generates widgets and returns the component of the widgets.
get_component(name, x)[source]

Generate an interactive dash component. This is a convenience method, which first calls the generate_widget method and then directly returns the un-styled and un-labeled component of the widget.

  • name (str) – Name of the component.
  • x (object of supported type) – Object used to determine which interactive component is returned.

dash.development.base_component.Component – Generated dash component.

get_components(kw, labels=None, group=None)[source]

Generate interactive components based on a dictionary. This is a convenience method, which first calls the generate_widgets method and then directly returns a list containing the un-styled and un-labeled component of the widgets.

  • kw (dict) – The keys of the dictionary define the names of the widgets and the type of the values is used to determine the type of the interactive widgets based on the selected component specification.
  • labels (list or dict, optional) – Labels for the widgets. May be either a list of labels for kw in the order of appearance or a dictionary mapping the keys of kw to the desired labels. If None, the keys of kw are used for the labels directly.
  • group (str, optional) – If not None, group will be used as a suffix for each component / widget name in order to group widgets.

list of dash.development.base_component.Component – List of generated interactive components.

get_widget(name, x, label=None)[source]

Generate a styled and labeled interactive dash component. This is a convenience method, which first calls the generate_widget method and then directly returns the layout of the widget.

  • name (str) – Name of the component.
  • x (object of supported type) – Object used to determine which interactive component is returned.
  • label (str or None, optional) – Label of the component.

dash.development.base_component.Component – Generated dash component.

get_widgets(kw, labels=None, group=None)[source]

Generate interactive widgets based on a dictionary. This is a convenience method, which first calls the generate_widgets method and then directly returns a list containing the layout of the widgets.

  • kw (dict) – The keys of the dictionary define the names of the widgets and the type of the values is used to determine the type of the interactive widgets based on the selected component specification.
  • labels (list or dict, optional) – Labels for the widgets. May be either a list of labels for kw in the order of appearance or a dictionary mapping the keys of kw to the desired labels. If None, the keys of kw are used for the labels directly.
  • group (str, optional) – If not None, group will be used as a suffix for each component / widget name in order to group widgets.

list of dash.development.base_component.Component – List of generated interactive components.

static register_callback(app, callback)[source]

Register a dasher callback with dependencies in the dash app.

  • app (dash.Dash) – The dash app.
  • callback (DasherCallback) – The dasher callback to register.