Source code for dasher.layout.bootstrap.layout

import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc
import dash_html_components as html
from dash.dependencies import Input
from dash.dependencies import Output

from dasher.base import BaseLayout

from .widgets import WIDGET_SPEC

[docs]class BootstrapLayout(BaseLayout): """ Dasher boostrap layout. This layout utilizes ``dash_bootstrap_components`` to build the app layout. Parameters ---------- title: str Title of the app. widget_spec: OrderedDict, optional Widget specification. Default: ``dasher.layout.bootstrap.widgets.WIDGET_SPEC``. credits: bool, optional If true, shows a link to dasher's github page in the navigation bar. Default: True. include_stylesheets: bool, optional If true, includes the standard bootstrap theme as external stylesheets. Set it to false to use a customized bootstrap theme. Default: True. widget_cols: int, optional Group the interactive components into ``widget_cols`` number of columns. Default: 2. Attributes ---------- widget_cols: int Group the interactive components into ``widget_cols`` number of columns. include_stylesheets: bool If true, includes the standard bootstrap theme as external stylesheets. external_stylesheets: list of str, optional Only present of `include_stylesheets` is ``True``. It contains a list with the standard bootstrap theme as its' only value. navbar: dash_bootstrap_components.NavbarSimple Navigation bar of the layout. body: dash_bootstrap_components.Container Container for the body of the app, containing the tab control and the tab contents div. layout: dash_html_components.Div Layout of the app. The div contains `navbar` and `body`. tabs: dash_bootstrap_components.Tabs Tab control to separate the layout of the callbacks. tabs_content: dash_html_components.Div Content div used to render the selected tab. callbacks: dict of DasherCallback Dictionary containing the callbacks present in the layout. """ navbar_id = "dasher-navbar" body_id = "dasher-body" tabs_id = "dasher-tabs" tabs_content_id = "dasher-tabs-content" tab_base = "dasher-tab" widgets_base = "dasher-widgets" def __init__( self, title, widget_spec=WIDGET_SPEC, credits=True, include_stylesheets=True, widget_cols=2, ): super().__init__(title, widget_spec, credits) if widget_cols < 1: raise ValueError("widget_cols must be >= 1") self.widget_cols = widget_cols if include_stylesheets: self.external_stylesheets = [dbc.themes.BOOTSTRAP] self.navbar, self.body = self.render_base_layout() self.layout = html.Div([self.navbar, self.body]) self.tabs = None self.tabs_content = None self.callbacks = {}
[docs] def render_base_layout(self): """ Create base layout with navigation bar and body container. """ navbar = dbc.NavbarSimple( brand=self.title, dark=True, color="primary", sticky="top", id=self.navbar_id, style={"marginBottom": "1em"}, ) body = dbc.Container([], id=self.body_id) if self.credits: credit = dbc.NavLink( "created with dasher", className="small", href="", external_link=True, ) navbar.children = [credit] return navbar, body
@staticmethod def _chunks(l, n): """ Yield successive n-sized chunks from l. Parameters ---------- l: iterable Iterable to slice into chunks. n: int Maximum size of each chunk. """ for i in range(0, len(l), n): yield l[i : i + n]
[docs] def render_card(self, callback, **kwargs): """ Renders a card with the interactive components and the output container. Parameters ---------- callback: dasher.base.Callback The callback to render the card for. **kwargs: Keyword arguments to override default layout settings. Returns ------- dash_bootstrap_components.Card Layout of the card. """ widget_cols = kwargs.get("widget_cols", self.widget_cols) cols = [dbc.Col(w.layout) for w in callback.widgets] rows = [dbc.Row(row) for row in self._chunks(cols, widget_cols)] widgets_form = dbc.Form(rows, id=f"{self.widgets_base}-{}") output = dbc.Container( id=f"{self.output_base}-{}", style={"marginTop": "1em"} ) card_header = dbc.CardHeader( card_body = dbc.CardBody([widgets_form, output]) if callback.description is not None: card_title = html.H4(callback.description, className="card-title") card_body.children.insert(0, card_title) return dbc.Card([card_header, card_body])
[docs] def add_callback(self, callback, app, **kwargs): """ Add callback to the layout. Parameters ---------- callback: DasherCallback The dasher callback to add to the layout. app: dash.Dash The dash app. **kwargs: Keyword arguments to override default layout settings for a callback. """ tab = dbc.Tab(, if len(self.callbacks) == 0: self.tabs = dbc.Tabs( children=[], id=self.tabs_id, active_tab=tab.tab_id, style={"display": "none"}, ) self.tabs_content = html.Div(id=self.tabs_content_id) self.body.children.extend((self.tabs, self.tabs_content)) app.callback( Output(, "children"), [Input(, "active_tab")], )(self.render_callback) elif len(self.callbacks) == 1: del["display"] self.tabs.children.append(tab) content = self.render_card(callback, **kwargs) self.callbacks[] = callback callback.layout = content
[docs] def render_callback(self, id): """ Callback method to switch between tabs. Parameters ---------- id: str ID of the callback to render. Returns ------- dash.development.base_component.Component Layout of the callback. """ return self.callbacks[id].layout